How to Create a Study Timetable that Works for You

Study timetable for toppers

A Timetable is a sequence of events that are organised in a timely and coordinated manner throughout the day, week, term, or year. Study Timetable has time and again shown its importance and benefits in various ways. Creating a customised study timetable is advantageous to establish a natural rhythm and routine in a student’s or even a person’s life. Establishing a timetable helps greatly with studying, making it easier to accumulate and complete. It aids in prioritising study topics and subjects which are important for coverage and completion before an exam.

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Benefits of study timetable

There are numerous advantages of building a study routine through a timetable. It provides the student with a channel to distribute time equally for all activities including studies. The timetable helps a student to prevent waste of time. Creating a study timetable for toppers aid in developing good habits like waking up early, having food on time, keeping a separate study time, etc. It ensures the student remains disciplined. It regulates the body’s rhythmic clock and enhances bodily functions in accordance with time. Making a study timetable and following it diligently helps to achieve a set target especially which helps in study courses.

A proper study schedule will assist in proper time distribution. Making a timetable that is suitable for everyone will benefit by equally dividing time for each subject. Also, if some subjects are harder than others, or subjects have a larger and more complicated syllabus, a study timetable for toppers will be advantageous by giving more time to those subjects individually. When students follow a certain schedule as per the timetable their efforts become consistent. Their focus consistency helps in achieving their targets and aims in a thought-out manner.

A customised timetable will prevent students from wasting time. It allows one to focus on one task at a time ensuring the completion of the said task. It helps focus attention on one subject or topic at a time. It helps in overcoming confusion by adjusting time accommodating each subject and topic. It increases the level of discipline in students by letting them complete all tasks which leads to better focus and concentration on one task without worrying about all other subjects or topics at the same time.

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How to Create a Study Timetable for Toppers that Works for You

  1. Fixed time: there is a concept of fixed time which includes the activities in a student’s day-to-day life which they cannot control like school, tuition, and sleep. These are activities that are out of the control of the student and cannot be managed. So, this time must be removed and kept aside as a fixed time. Now that the student is aware of all the time that cannot be managed or meddled with, they can begin to create a timetable for students that is most efficient for them.
  2. Define objectives: it is important to know what exactly needs to be accomplished. Once objectives and targets or milestones are recognized, the student can then work around these to get an appropriate schedule set up for each subject or topic which they find either difficult or time-consuming.
  3. Subcategories: once the objectives are defined, they could categorise them into subcategories. For example, while studying, keep aside days or time to solve question banks, watch educational videos related to the subject, and revise last year’s question papers.
  4. Keep it real: do not try to overachieve. In theory, everything sounds doable, but in reality, maybe only a little is possible. For a student, while making the best timetable for study, he/she can dedicate three or four major subjects in a day like maths, science, social sciences, and a language subject. In a day even an extraordinary student cannot study 4 major subjects. This is what overachieving looks like. As a student one must keep their goals real like studying 1 or maximum 2 major subjects. This will make the students want to stick to the best timetable for study rather than getting frustrated with the results because they remain incomplete due to high expectations and will help in creating a study timetable for toppers.
  5. Take breaks: a human brain needs to take a lot of breaks to function. A concept of diminishing returns happens while doing the same activity for a long period of time or while doing the same activity repeatedly. The productivity decreases after a certain amount of time. If a student constantly keeps doing an activity like studying for a longer period. retention and productivity decrease if a student keeps studying for a long period of time without allowing themselves proper rest in intervals. It is important to take a break of half an hour every two hours. It will also be beneficial especially while studying for an exam or in case of a time bound activity. According to research, most productive people work for around 52 minutes and take 17 minute intervals as breaks to rest the human mind.
  6. Day off: always keep a day off, it could be any day or a Sunday. Whichever suits best in case of a student. A rest day must be in fact a rest-only day, it should be a day of complete rest for your body and mind.
  7. Eat the frog: this is a quote by Mark Twain. According to him, eating a frog is one of the most difficult activities to accomplish. A frog is not a very delicious thing to consume as it is very slimy and gross to eat. Swallowing a frog can be difficult, in the same way, there are certain difficult subjects and difficult study activities that are hard to accomplish. For example, a maths topic or solving a question bank. Even though they are difficult, do them first thing in the morning because once they are done then that task need not be worried about.
  8. Be flexible: always be flexible with the timetable for students. The more rigidity in a study timetables the more monotonous it will get later as time progresses. Flexibility can be one or two hours after every single major activity is accomplished. This can be a buffer in case of any unforeseen event which pops up at any time of the day. This flexibility in the schedule will help so that the study timetable does not have to suffer.

Also Read: How to Stop Procrastinating and Start Studying

EuroSchool provides the advantage of well-researched time schedules and helps students to make and develop hobbies and habits according to the prescribed best timetable for study. This helps students to become more disciplined and punctual for various activities mainly being their studying time.

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