How to Encourage Children who are not Confident Speaking in English

confident English speaking

In our world today there is an obvious reason that more people speak in Chinese and more nations have Spanish as their mother tongue. Realistically, English is the choice of language all around the world today. It has become like an international language due to being the language of trade, communication, science, and major international media around the world.

Fluent and confident English speaking can open up new career opportunities as English is the dominant business language. It has almost become a necessity for people to speak English if they are to enter the global workforce. Research from all over the world shows that cross border business communication is most often conducted in English and many international companies expect their employees to be fluent in English.

Many schools, colleges and universities offer an increasing number of courses taught exclusively in the English language. Confident English speaking gives students access to information and research. Since many academic books and journals are published in English, students and academics need to know how to speak English fluently and confidently so that they can take advantage of it. In order to gain precedence over the kid’s education various courses and study materials are published and conducted in English.

Children today need to know how to build confidence in speaking English because it has become a necessity and a need rather than an option. In this blog readers will be able to find tips and ideas to encourage children who are not confident to speak in English.

Below are few tips on how to build confidence in speaking English:

Simple language:

Make sure to use simple sentences while communicating with children. Simple sentences are way easier for kids to understand and there will not be any difficulty or complexity in understanding the language. Using simple statements and questions will encourage the kids to reply or answer the questions using the same simplicity in their sentences. This will improve their vocabulary and will definitely enhance children’s interests towards confident English speaking. For example, in the beginning kids should mostly be asked closed ended questions for them to respond easily like “do you want to play?” or “are you having fun?” so on and so forth.

Small sentences:

While introducing a language with kids it’s important to keep small and crisp sentences, because it will be difficult to recognize lengthy and complicated sentences. Small and short sentences will easily register in their brains, and it will be simple for them to acknowledge the language. For instance, parents can indulge in asking them short sentences like “do you want to play or sleep?”, “are you tired?”, “do you want to play this (game1) or that (game 2)?”.

Speak Slowly:

As adults we are used to speaking to other grown-ups in a fast-paced manner. This pace that is used frequently can only do little benefit towards children. While speaking to kids make sure to pace down the way of speaking. Slowness in speech will help the kids to register the information properly and in an efficient way. As most of the Indian household does not have English as their mother tongue hence it will be difficult for children to understand a new language. Therefore, for kids to become fluent in the English language, taking it one step at a time with mindful slowness is important.

Repeated sentences:

Focus on speaking to your children using standard and familiar sentences. When one uses the same sentences again and again, the kids are likely to memorize that sentence and associate a certain action to the words used in a sentence. This would help them form a familiar response towards the statement. For example, if parents want to ask the child if they want something to eat, stick to one standard statement like “do you want to eat?”. And avoid using mixed sentences every time, for example, “are you hungry?” or “would you like to have something?” and so on. That is why it is important to focus on using repeated sentences to help your children to speak confidently in confident English.

Communicate in English:

When making a point to communicate to children, always do it in English. This will make them understand that they need to communicate in English to be listened to by others. While asking children for anything make sure to only use the English language to ask questions. Which will in turn help kids to respond in the same language that the question was asked in. For example, if you ask them a question in English and if they reply to you in another language, prompt them to answer in English. This will help them to articulate their response accordingly in English. This will help children to understand how to speak English confidently.

Practice daily:

Parents must focus on practicing these methods every single day so that they will understand the language quickly and are able to form replies to the said language. Keeping a consistent approach while teaching children a new language is crucial to their fluency and will develop their confidence in English. Parents must ensure that other people in the house could also speak to their children in English which would make the kid more comfortable speaking the language more frequently.

Make it fun:

Introducing a new language can be confusing at first, but to ease things a little parents can conduct activities and play games with words and short sentences. There are various enjoyable and fun activities that are available in the market presently which will be of aid to developing confident English speaking among children. These fun activities will help kids to identify how to speak English confidently.

These are some tips and tricks to include in the journey of teaching a new language to your children. These tips can be definitely helpful while introducing the English language. Remember that consistency is key, being consistent along with these tips and ideas can encourage children on how to speak English fluently and confidently.

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We at EuroSchool, use English as the main language in our curriculum. Accordingly, train and educate our kids to speak fluent English inside the campus with teachers and with their peers.

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