How to write an essay? Tips To Choose Essay Writing Topics

how to write an essay

Writing an engaging and effective essay can be a fun and rewarding experience for kids. It’s an opportunity to express their thoughts, creativity, and understanding of a subject. Here are some awesome tips to help young writers excel in essay writing.

What is Essay Writing?

Firstly, let’s define what essay writing is. An essay is a piece of writing that presents an argument, a narrative, or an explanation about a particular topic. It’s a way to communicate your ideas clearly and persuasively.

How to choose Essay Writing Topics

Here are some tips on how to choose essay writing topics:

  • Encourage kids to think about what excites them. Are they fascinated by space, passionate about sports, or interested in history?
  • Let them choose topics related to their hobbies or activities they enjoy.
  • Topics should be age-appropriate and match the child’s cognitive and emotional maturity.
  • For younger kids, simpler topics like ‘My Favourite Animal’ or ‘A Day at the Beach’ work well.
  • Older kids can handle more complex topics, such as ‘The Importance of Recycling’ or ‘A Historical Figure I Admire’.
  • Choose topics that complement what they are learning in school. This can reinforce their classroom learning.
  • For instance, if they are studying a particular period in history, an essay on a related event or person can be beneficial.
  • Topics that allow for creative expression can be very engaging. For example, ‘If I Could Travel in Time’ or ‘Inventing a New Gadget’.
  • Encouraging imaginative topics helps in developing creative writing skills.
  • Introduce different types of essays: narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and expository.
  • For example, a narrative essay could be about a personal experience, while a persuasive essay could be about convincing others to take up a hobby.
  • Giving kids a list of topics to choose from can make the process easier and more enjoyable for them.
  • Ensure the list is diverse enough to cater to different interests and strengths.
  • For older kids, discussing current events or social issues can be a way to engage with the world around them.
  • Topics like ‘The Importance of Recycling’ or ‘Internet Safety for Kids’ can be both educational and thought-provoking.
  • Essays that relate to personal experiences, like family trips or special events, allow kids to express themselves and reflect on their experiences.
  • Choose topics that require some research, which can be an educational experience in itself.
  • Research-based essays help in developing critical thinking and information-gathering skills.

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Types of Essay Writing

There are several types of essays, and understanding these can help in structuring the essay appropriately:

  • Narrative Essays: These tell a story from the writer’s perspective.
  • Descriptive Essays: Focus on describing a character, a place, or an event in detail.
  • Expository Essays: Aim to explain or inform about a specific topic.
  • Persuasive Essays: Aim to convince the reader about a particular viewpoint.

How to write an essay

Before diving into writing, it’s important to plan. This involves:

  • Brainstorming: Jot down all ideas related to the topic.
  • Organising Thoughts: Create a mind map to structure these ideas.
  • Outlining: Develop a basic structure – introduction, body, and conclusion.

Writing the Introduction

The introduction is where you grab the reader’s attention. Start with a hook – an interesting fact, a question, or a bold statement related to the topic. Then, introduce the main idea or argument of the essay.

Developing the Body

The body is where you delve into the details. Each paragraph should focus on a single idea that supports the main argument, details or examples. Remember to:

  • Use clear and simple language.
  • Provide examples and evidence to support points.
  • Keep paragraphs focused and coherent.

Writing the Conclusion

The conclusion should summarise the main points and restate the thesis (main argument) in a new light. It’s also a chance to leave the reader with something to think about.

Editing and Revising

Once the first draft is complete, it’s time to revise. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Read the Essay Aloud: This can help catch awkward phrasing or areas that don’t flow well.
  • Check for Clarity: Ensure each sentence is clear and contributes to the overall argument or narrative.
  • Look for Consistency: Check for consistent use of tense and point of view throughout the essay.
  • Vary Sentence Structure: Mix short and long sentences to keep the reader engaged.
  • Seek Feedback: Ask someone else to read the essay and provide feedback.
  • Focus on Grammar and Punctuation: Check for and correct any grammatical errors and punctuation mistakes.
  • Trim Unnecessary Words: Remove redundant words or phrases to make the essay more concise.
  • Enhance Vocabulary: Replace overused or simplistic words with more descriptive terms, where appropriate.
  • Verify Facts and Figures: Ensure all facts, figures, and information are accurate and properly cited.
  • Ensure Smooth Transitions: Make sure each paragraph flows smoothly into the next with clear transition sentences.
  • Refine the Introduction and Conclusion: Ensure they effectively introduce and conclude the essay, respectively.
  • Check Paragraph Structure: Each paragraph should have a clear main idea and supporting details.
  • Address Counter-arguments: In persuasive essays, address potential counterarguments to strengthen the main argument.
  • Review the Thesis Statement: Make sure it clearly represents the main point and is supported throughout the essay.
  • Final Read-through: Do a final review to catch any overlooked errors or areas for improvement.

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Things to keep in mind

Practising Regularly: Like any other skill, essay writing improves with practice. Encourage regular writing, not just for school assignments but as a personal hobby.

Encouraging Reading: Reading widely helps in understanding different writing styles, expanding vocabulary, and improving grammar. Encourage kids to read a variety of books, articles, and essays.

Using Technology Wisely: There are numerous online tools and apps that can aid in improving writing skills. From grammar checkers to online thesauruses, these can be great aids but should not replace learning the basics.

Seeking Feedback: Getting feedback from teachers, parents, or peers is invaluable. It helps in understanding strengths and areas that need improvement.

Staying Motivated: Writing can be challenging, but it’s important to stay motivated. Celebrate small victories and progress.

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Essay writing is a skill that not only helps in academic success but also in expressing oneself clearly and confidently. EuroSchool understands that every great writer was once a beginner, and helps students to practise when it comes to essay writing.

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