Why is it Important to have a consistent routine for kids?

importance of having a routine

There is no denying that the adult world is governed by the clock. It is the one true sovereign we all have to bow down in front of. After all, working by the clock is how we are able to make sense of our days. To establish order and thrive rather than feel lost in a world of chaos.

Okay, that was heavy. Philosophy aside, routine is one of the most sensible things we follow in our daily lives. And did you know, it is just as important for your little one to have a fixed routine too? Yep, adults are not the only ones who need to go by the clock.

But what is the importance of having a routine for kids? And just because we have said so in the introduction to this blog, is it important to have a routine for kids? What happens if they do not have one? Let us figure it all out together, shall we?

Explained: the importance of having a routine for your kids

The importance of having a routine has been debated over the years by parents. Quite a few, in fact, believe that not having a routine helps their child learn and grow better. That routine can feel restrictive and that often children find it difficult to follow a schedule.

Well, just like everything else, routines and schedules are also a double-sided coin. So if you flip the coin over and take a look, you would actually be able to see the real importance of having a routine for your kids. It is undeniable.

One of the key things that a routine breeds is familiarity. And familiarity, as you can vouch for yourself as an adult, can be very comforting. Both in regular times and in challenging times. Especially in the latter, in fact.

Another reason why having a daily routine is important is because it can help kids build confidence. When they know what is coming next, they feel more confident to face it. In fact, this predictability is what brings them security.

The good thing is that consistency can help built a great schedule that works for your kid and offers them several benefits such as:

  • Being in control of their situation or environment
  • Giving them a comfy sense of security and safety
  • Helping them know what is going on presently as well as what is to come
  • Knowing how they can carry out any present or future activity or task
  • Increasing engagement levels in learning

See! That is a whole lot of benefits that can be unlocked just by ensuring your child has a daily schedule.

Also Read: Incorporating Animal Walk Exercise Into Kids’ Routine

What makes a routine or a schedule so important?

If you are still wondering why having a daily routine is important, let us put it this way. The sooner you start building an effective routine for your child, the easier it will be for them to transition from home to school environment.

Besides, when kids have a routine, your life as a parent can become a lot more streamlined and easier to manage. As an adult, you naturally have responsibilities that extend beyond taking care of your child. When your kids have a fixed timetable, it becomes easier for you to eke out time for the rest of your duties because you do not have to factor in daily unpredictable behaviours or patterns.

Moreover, when your kids carry out familiar activities with familiar people, they are able to develop stronger interpersonal relationships as well as feel a sense of belonging, of rootedness. Plus, the discipline that comes with having a routine can help your child stay independent and self-motivated in the long run, which are really good traits to have.

How schools can partner with families to help establish a good routine

Schools play a big role in the formation of routines and schedules in a child’s life. Even at the preschool level, schools can serve as the very foundation of building a disciplined routine, which to be fair, can be a challenge for a lot of kids. However, when schools work together with parents, it can become easier to cross that bridge, both for the kids and for their parents.

Here is how schools and families can work together to build a child’s routine:

  • Schools should ask parents about what their typical household routine is like and build something around that routine so kids do not feel the shock of doing something very new and unfamiliar.
  • Schools can help families break down one simple task of their routine into simpler steps so kids can follow them easily and then build up a schedule from there.
  • It is important for schools to encourage families to let their child carry out certain chores of their routine independently. This will help build the confidence of the child.
  • Families should also reminded that reviewing set schedules with their kids at the start of everyday can help enforce the routine.
  • Anothing thing that families should keep in mind is to ensure that routines are consistent and familiar and do not change much day-by-day.
  • That said, parents must be reminded of the fact that routines can be flexible and modified in a way that is less stressful for their children.
  • Finally, schools should encourage parents to allow their child to choose a part of their routine so they feel a little in control.

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How schools can reinforce routines in the classroom

The importance of having a routine, implementing and ensuring it is followed goes beyond the four walls of home. It is just as crucial to ensure kids follow their school schedule too. Here is how teachers can help reinforce the class schedule among their students:

  • Remind children of the class routine after a holiday break. Re-teach them the whole routine using visual aids or other interactive elements so kids understand better.
  • Give children some buffer time to adjust to being back on school routine. Also, be sure to note any changes that take place in a child’s routine behaviour after they come back to school.
  • Review the day’s schedule with your students at the start of every school day. It is just good practice.
  • Put up the classroom timetable on the class board and have students refer to it throughout the day so they know which period is next or what activity is coming up.
  • Lead by example and model the steps of the routine you want kids to follow so they can pick them up easily by following you.
  • Always use positive reinforcement every time your students follow their routine down to a T.

Also Read: Teaching Children Responsibility

We hope that answers your question of “is it important to have a routine?” After all, routine is the basis of a seamless and smooth life. And this blog was all about helping you form a good routine for your child. If you need help in other areas of parenting or education, be sure to check out the rest of EuroSchool blogs. You are bound to find something useful.

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