Last Minute Activities Before Baby Delivery: Checklist Of Things To Put In Hospital Bag

Baby Delivery

As thе duе datе approachеs,  thе еxcitеmеnt and anticipation for thе arrival of a nеw baby arе palpablе.  Expеctant mothеrs oftеn find thеmsеlvеs in a whirlwind of prеparation and planning.  It’s a timе of significant changе and it’s natural to fееl a mix of еmotions – joy,  nеrvousnеss,  and pеrhaps a bit of anxiеty about thе unknowns of childbirth and parеnthood.  This articlе aims to providе a comprеhеnsivе guidе on thе last-minutе activitiеs you should considеr bеforе your baby’s arrival,  tailorеd spеcifically for еxpеctant mothеrs.

Last Minute Activities Before Baby Delivery

Here are some last-minute activities before the delivery of your baby:

1. Finalising the Birth Plan

The birth plan is a key element in your preparation for delivery. It’s essential to finalise your preferences for labour and birth, discussing them with your healthcare provider. Whether you desire a natural birth, require pain relief options, or have specific wishes regarding the birthing environment, it’s important to have these conversations now. Remember, while a birth plan is a guide, be open to flexibility as situations may change.

2. Packing the Hospital Bag

Packing your hospital bag is an exciting step towards meeting your baby. Essential items include comfortable clothing and nightwear, toiletries, including maternity pads and nipple cream, snacks and drinks to keep your energy up. Entertainment, like books or music, to help you relax. Baby essentials such as newborn nappies, a going-home outfit, and a blanket.

3. Preparing Your Home

Ensuring your home is ready and welcoming for the baby is vital. Key tasks include setting up and organising the nursery. Stocking up on baby supplies like nappies, wipes, and formula (if not breastfeeding). Preparing and freezing meals for easy cooking post-delivery. Ensuring a safe environment, considering baby-proofing if necessary.

4. Arranging Support

Postpartum support is crucial. Consider enlisting help from family or friends for chores and meals. Looking into postpartum doulas or baby nurses. Discuss with your partner about sharing baby care duties.

5. Attending Antenatal Classes

If you haven’t already, now is the time to complete any antenatal classes. These classes provide valuable information about childbirth, breastfeeding, and newborn care. They also offer a great opportunity to meet other expectant mothers and build a support network.

6. Spending Quality Time with Loved Ones

The arrival of a baby can significantly change your relationships and daily routine. Spend quality time with your partner, friends, and family. Enjoy activities that might be more challenging to do with a newborn, like going to the cinema, dining out, or simply enjoying uninterrupted conversations.

7. Self-Care and Relaxation

Self-care is paramount. This might include prenatal massages or spa days, gentle exercise, like prenatal yoga or walking etc.

8. Financial and Legal Preparations

Ensure that all financial and legal aspects are in order, such as maternity leave arrangements, understanding your rights and benefits, and health insurance coverage for the baby. Preparing or updating your will and guardianship choices.

9. Installing the Car Seat

A correctly installed car seat is a must for bringing your baby home safely. Many local fire stations offer assistance with proper installation.

10. Hospital or Birthing Centre Tour

If possible, tour your hospital or birthing centre. Familiarising yourself with the environment can ease anxiety and make the experience more comfortable.

11. Restocking Household Essentials

Stock up on household essentials to avoid frequent shopping trips after the baby arrives. This includes pantry items, cleaning supplies, and personal care products.

12. Preparing for Breastfeeding

If you plan to breastfeed, consider reading up on breastfeeding, buying necessary supplies like breast pumps, storage bags, and nursing bras, and knowing where to find support if needed, such as lactation consultants.

13. Keeping Track of Baby Movements

Pay attention to your baby’s movement patterns and consult your healthcare provider if you notice any significant changes. This is an important aspect of monitoring your baby’s well-being.

14. Creating a Birth Announcement Plan

Decide how you’ll announce the birth. This might include preparing an email list or social media post and choosing a birth announcement card design.

15. Reflecting on Your Journey

Take time to reflect on your pregnancy journey. Journaling or simply pondering the journey you’ve been on can be a wonderful way to connect with your baby and prepare mentally for the changes ahead.

Also Read: How Parents in Non-Conventional Work Hours Can Still Make Time for Their Kids

Last Minute Checklist of things to put in hospital bag

Comfortable Clothing

  • Loose-fitting nightgowns or pyjamas
  • Comfortable robe and slippers
  • Extra underwear


  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Hairbrush or comb
  • Deodorant
  • Lip balm
  • Face wash and moisturiser

Hygiene Products

  • Maternity pads
  • Nursing pads
  • Personal hygiene items

Medical Essentials

  • Health insurance information
  • Hospital paperwork and birth plan
  • Prescription medications


  • Phone and charger
  • Camera or video camera if desired
  • Headphones for relaxation

Snacks and Drinks

  • Healthy snacks for energy
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Any special drinks or snacks you may prefer


  • Books or magazines
  • Music or playlists
  • Tablet or e-reader

Comfort Items

  • Pillow from home
  • Blanket for extra comfort
  • A favourite stuffed animal or comfort item

Clothing for Baby

  • Baby onesies
  • Hat and mittens
  • Swaddle blankets
  • Going-home outfit


  • Nipple cream
  • Breastfeeding pillow
  • List of important contacts
  • Money for parking or vending machines

Also Read: 12 Ways To Prepare Your Older Child For A New Baby

Making The Right Mindset Before Delivery

Setting the right mindset before delivery involves a blend of education, emotional preparation, and relaxation techniques. Educate yourself about the childbirth process to demystify and reduce fears. Develop a positive outlook through affirmations and listening to uplifting birth stories. Create a flexible birth plan to outline your preferences and discuss it with your healthcare provider. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and meditation to manage stress and pain. Use visualisation to imagine a positive birthing experience and coping strategies for challenges. Surround yourself with a supportive team, including a trusted birth partner and healthcare professionals, to provide encouragement and reassurance.

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The final weeks before delivery are a unique blend of preparation, anticipation, and self-care. While it’s important to have everything ready for the baby’s arrival, it’s equally crucial to take care of yourself and enjoy these last moments of pregnancy. Trust in your body’s ability to birth and remember that soon, you’ll be holding your precious little one in your arms. For more such articles on parenting, and tips refer to the Parent’s Zone section on EuroSchool blogs.

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