Should You Buy Children Fancy Eyewear? Tips For Buying Kids’ Eyewear

glasses frames

Purchasing eyewear for children can be a challenging task. Unlike adults, kids have unique needs and preferences that must be considered when selecting glass frames. From ensuring the right fit to picking a style they’ll love, there are various factors to consider. This blog aims to provide parents with ten essential tips to make buying glasses for their kids a smoother and more successful experience.

10 Essential tips for buying glasses for kids

1. Prioritise Durability and Flexibility

Children are naturally active and playful, which means their eyewear should be able to withstand rough handling. When looking for kids’ glasses frames, opt for materials that are both durable and flexible. Frames made from materials like polycarbonate or Trivex are known for their resilience against impacts and bending. These materials are less likely to break, ensuring longevity and safety for your child’s eyewear.

2. Ensure a Comfortable Fit

A comfortable fit is crucial for kids. The eyeglasses frame should sit comfortably on the nose without pinching or sliding down. The temples should fit snugly around the ears without causing discomfort. An ill-fitting frame can lead to discomfort, and headaches, and even discourage your child from wearing their glasses regularly. Always have a professional measure your child’s face to ensure the best fit.

3. Look for Spring Hinges

Spring hinges allow the arms of the glasses to flex outward, accommodating different head sizes and reducing the likelihood of breakage. This feature is particularly beneficial for children, as it offers flexibility and durability, adapting to their active lifestyles. Spring hinges provide a more forgiving fit, which is ideal for growing children.

4. Consider Lens Material and Coatings

When buying glasses, the lens material and coatings are just as important as the frames. Polycarbonate lenses are recommended for children due to their impact-resistant nature. Additionally, consider anti-scratch and anti-reflective coatings to enhance the durability and functionality of the glasses. These coatings protect the lenses from scratches and reduce glare, which can help improve your child’s vision and comfort.

5. Select the Right Size

The size of the eyewear frames should be proportionate to your child’s face. Oversized or too-small frames can be uncomfortable and affect the effectiveness of the glasses. Frames that are too large may slip off easily, while those that are too small can pinch and leave marks. Ensure that the frames you choose are not too wide or narrow for your child’s face.

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6. Involve Your Child in the Selection Process

Involving your child in choosing their eyewear can make a significant difference in how willingly they wear their glasses. Allow them to express their style preferences. Whether they prefer bright colours, patterns, or a specific shape, letting them have a say can make them feel more confident and happy with their eyewear.

7. Opt for a Strap or Cord for Younger Kids

For younger children or those participating in sports, a strap or cord can be a practical addition. It helps keep the glasses in place during physical activities and reduces the risk of losing them. Many straps are adjustable and can be coordinated with the colour of the frames for added style.

8. Keep a Spare Pair

It’s always wise to have a spare pair of glasses, especially for children. Accidents happen, and having a backup pair ensures that your child won’t have to go without their glasses if their primary pair is lost or damaged. You can opt for a more cost-effective frame for the spare pair but ensure it still meets the necessary criteria for comfort and fit.

9. Regularly Check the Fit and Prescription

Children’s faces grow, and their prescription may change over time. Regular check-ups with an optician are important to ensure that the glasses frames still fit correctly and the lenses are up to date. An ill-fitting frame or outdated prescription can cause discomfort and hinder their vision.

10. Consider Warranties and Insurance

Lastly, it’s wise to consider warranties and insurance options for your child’s eyewear. Kids can be unpredictable, and even with durable frames, accidents can occur. Some opticians offer warranties or insurance policies that cover damages or replacements, which can be a cost-effective way to protect your investment.

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Should You Buy Children Fancy Eyewear?

Here are some things that parents can consider:

  • Consider the Child’s Age and Responsibility: Younger children or those less responsible may not be the best candidates for fancy eyewear due to the higher risk of damage or loss.
  • Durability Over Design: While fancy frames might be appealing, prioritise durability and functionality, especially for active kids. Fancy frames are often more delicate and less suited to rough handling.
  • Involve the Child in the Decision: If the child shows interest in fancy eyewear and understands the need to care for them, it can be a good way to encourage them to wear glasses.
  • Budget Considerations: Fancy eyewear can be more expensive. Assess if the extra cost aligns with your budget, especially considering the likelihood of needing replacements.
  • Lifestyle Suitability: Consider the child’s daily activities. If they engage in sports or outdoor play, sturdier and more practical frames might be more appropriate.
  • Fashion vs Functionality: Ensure that the chosen fancy eyewear meets essential functional needs like proper fit, lens quality, and comfort.
  • Backup Pair: If opting for fancy eyewear, consider having a more basic, durable pair as a backup, particularly for times when the fancy pair might not be practical.
  • Warranties and Insurance: Fancy glasses might come with or necessitate additional warranties or insurance for damage or loss, adding to the overall cost.
  • Peer Perception: Consider how wearing fancy eyewear might affect the child socially. It could be a confidence booster or, in some cases, make them self-conscious or a target for teasing.
  • Regular Updates Needed: Children’s prescriptions and fit requirements change rapidly; expensive, fancy frames might not be cost-effective in the long term.

Also Read: Nutrient Benefits of Carrots for Children’s Eyesight

Selecting the right glasses for your child involves more than just choosing a stylish frame. Durability, comfort, lens quality, and the right fit are crucial factors to consider. For more such articles, refer to EuroSchool blogs.

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