10 Ways to Promote Your Child’s Cognitive Development

Cognitive development

A lot of attention is given to first-class kid growth in encouraging cognitive growth for every kid enrolled in one of our schools. For those who are unfamiliar, cognitive development is essentially the process through which information is learned and gained by a child while interacting with their surroundings. New cognitive abilities start to be developed by children as they get older. However, there are several things that can be done to speed up the development of these skills. There are numerous activities you can do with your child at home or while running errands to encourage their cognitive development, and we’ll do everything in our power to help them while they are in our care.

At what age does cognitive development Begin?

Cognitive development in infants begins at birth. This wasn’t always known in the past. It was believed that until babies could utilise language, they were unable to integrate information cognitively.

Understanding what stage of thinking preschoolers and toddlers are in and how their thinking should grow over time before cognitive development can be encouraged is helpful.

A theory of cognitive development was developed by French psychologist Jean Piaget. Four phases in children’s cognitive development were identified, and how, as they grew older, these stages led to increasingly complex thought processes was demonstrated.

Factors of cognitive development in Early childhood

Cognitive development in children during early infancy can be influenced by a variety of circumstances. These circumstances include one’s genes, surroundings, diet, and experiences. The brain’s development can be significantly impacted by positive experiences such as engaging activities, rich language, and stimulating locations.

A few ways to promote Cognitive Development are:

Sing-along together

It may not be known to you, but every time your child is sung along in the house or the car, both their word recognition and memory skills are encouraged. It is known to us that listening to the same song again as an adult might be mentally taxing, especially if it is a children’s song. To get through it, it might be possible for you to recall how the practice is helping your child.

Assist your child in recognizing various noises

It can be unnoticed that some sounds are not recognised by your toddler. Because of this, it is crucial to have specific sounds pointed out to your child, such as a bird tweeting or water running. Comprehending the relationship between sounds and objects is considered an essential component of cognitive training.

Recite the Alphabet

Your child will become far more familiar with the sounds of the letters if you sing the alphabet to them or read alphabet books to them. To mix up your standard alphabet games, you might also wish to get some alphabet puzzles that come under cognitive training.


Opportunities to count on them can be discovered in stages of cognitive development, chances are, no matter what is being done or where you are, by you and your child. The order of numbers will be reinforced, and it will help your child in the long run, whether the number of toys that need to be cleaned up off the floor or the number of swings at the playground is being counted.

Recognise forms and colours

Recognizing forms and colours is a crucial cognitive skill for children’s development. Ensure that shapes and colours are pointed out whenever possible to aid with your child’s stages of cognitive development. This can be accomplished by pointing out “the red octagon” at a stop sign, etc. Incorporate play and hands-on experiences to make the learning process enjoyable and effective for children.

Give your kid options

Making decisions about what they wear or what they eat will allow your child cognitive training, which will help them feel more independent and confident – both traits that we want to help our children develop.

Ask a ton of enquiries

Nonstop questions may seem to be asked by your toddler. However, it is crucial that an equal number of questions are asked by you. Encouraging problem-solving abilities and a stronger sense of connection to their surroundings is done by asking your child simple questions like “Why should your toys be shared?” and “When should our hands be washed?”

Visit new places together

With your young child, their interest will be fostered by exploring new places. It might not seem interesting to you to take your child to places like the library, a local museum, or a coffee shop, but these little experiences will be loved by them, and depending on where you go, something might even be learned by you.

Play with everyday objects

Surprisingly advantageous benefits can be attained by letting your youngster play with everyday objects, even if the considerable sums of money you have probably spent on toys for your child are well known. One method to achieve this is having your youngster match lids to the appropriate cooking pans.

Offer Choices

The minimal benefits of playing the same games again for your child are observed. The opportunity to develop new talents will be provided to them by giving your child variety. Board games or even a sport should be tried to get them involved if building blocks are usually played with.


At EuroSchool, the importance of the early stages of cognitive development is emphasised by the fact that it lays the groundwork for future academic achievement and learning. Independent problem-solving abilities and critical thinking in kids are facilitated by it. Additionally, the acquisition of language, memory, and attention, all of which are necessary for learning and communication, is promoted by early cognitive development.

In a perfect world, you would want to provide the best environment for your child’s overall development as a parent or caregiver. Cognitive development is regarded as one of the most crucial aspects of early childhood development. The process by which learning, thinking, and problem-solving in daily life is done by a child is known as cognitive development. The significance of cognitive development, the variables that affect it, and how greater cognitive growth in your child can be encouraged will all be covered in this blog post.

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