International Girl Child Day Why is it celebrated

international girl child day

We celebrate many days like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Friendship Day throughout the year. We also send them gifts, personal notes or messages to make them feel special about those days. Another memorable day when you might honor a significant individual. The International Day of Girl Child is observed on October 11 around the world to commemorate the development of female children.

What message does International Girl Child Day convey?

  • In 1995, the United Nations held a meeting in Beijing to look at the progress of women. However, the event proved to be an important turning point because, for the first time on an international platform, countries realized that, alongside women, girls face prejudicial views and need help and encouragement for healthy development.
  • As a result of this meeting, the Beijing Declaration as well as the Platform for Action went into effect, with goals created to improve the quality of life of female children in various countries throughout the world. whether it’s access to school, fair access to healthcare, or ensuring physical safety for the healthy development of a girl child. These have always been the major problems to handle.
  • In recognition of this effort, the United Nations declared October 11th as International Day of the Girl Child on December 19th, 2011. Ultimately, the aim is to consider what we can do as a society to ensure that every girl child has the right resources she needs to flourish in life.

 International Girl Child Day: History

  • For the first time in history, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995 offered a plan of action to enhance girls’ rights.
  • The United Nations General Assembly Enacted Resolution 66/170 in 2011 designating October 11 as International Girl Child Day.
  • The inaugural International Girl Child Day was observed in 2012. It was declared on the issue of stopping child marriages. More than 2,043 events have been seen on this day in the two years since.
  • The United Nations is requesting the public to get involved by telling us human interest stories, blogs and movies of female change-makers, in addition to networks and organizations that are trying to bring change. Addressing the challenges that are holding females in front of a given nation or region, hitting government and policymakers to make more targeted investments, and getting major female influencers to be the face of change are some more possibilities.

Access to school is one of the most pressing concerns in Girl Child Day 2023.

According to UNESCO, 62 million females worldwide are not enrolled in school. A total of 17 million girls in primary school, 18 million in lower secondary school, and 27 million in upper secondary school.

For example, girls who skip school are more likely to end up as child brides. In fact, one out of every nine females worldwide marry before the age of 15. Child marriage frequently signifies the end of a girl’s schooling and can result in early pregnancy and poor health consequences for both mother and child.

Why do we celebrate Girl Child Day?

The International Day of the Girl Child was created by the World Conference on Women. A day dedicated to the growth of girls all around the world was determined at a conference in Beijing in 1995.

As a result, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action were unanimously endorsed by countries. Because it separated the girl child from the umbrella of women and recognized their distinct needs, the proclamation was the first of its kind. The day, commemorated on October 11, focuses on girls’ rights, safety, and education. The major purpose of why we celebrate Girl Child Day is to get girls involved in the advancement of the globe.

As part of the celebration, a topic is chosen to stress the necessity of the hour. This year’s theme is “Digital Generation.” “Our generation,” alluding to the evolving digital world and how a digital divide may increase the gender gap.

How should we support International Girl Child Day 2023?

  • Access to education, healthcare services, skill-based learning facilities, equitable opportunities, and protections against gender-based violence and discrimination are ongoing themes that are worked on year after year.
  • As part of the celebration, a topic is chosen to emphasize the importance of the hour. The topic for this year Girl Child Day 2023 is “Digital Generation.” “Our generation,” refers to the changing digital environment and how a digital divide could widen the gender gap.
  • Year after year, ongoing issues that are worked on include access to education, healthcare services, skill-based learning facilities, equal opportunities, and protections against gender-based violence and discrimination.


At Euroschool, International Girl Child Day is celebrated with zeal and thoroughly taught to all students. Every girl kid has the right to education and to be respected in society.

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