Participate to Progress: Exploring the Voting Rights and Responsibilities in India


As Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – Voting is exactly a practice to do that. We often see various events around our country that we do not like and wish things were different. It is we who can make the necessary changes to make that difference that we want to see. But how do we do that? We vote to make the government. And the government we make will help achieve that change, that reform, for us. There are so many concerns and areas of improvement for India as a country. We realize this on a daily basis. Let us see the importance of voting in addressing these concerns and practicing our responsibilities as a responsible citizen.

Also Read: Elections in India

Importance of voting in India:

Voting makes for the foundation of any democracy. Democracy is a government system where the people choose their representatives to run the nation. Imagine the power the citizens have, to make the change they want to see in their nation. Voting lets citizens choose the right representative for them to practice the people’s will and develop the nation towards the right path.

Voting is a way to make each citizen’s voice heard and reflect on their aspiration for the nation. Allowing the people to elect their representatives and change them in the next tenure strengthens the idea of democracy and a nation for the people. Through voting rights in India, you are given the opportunity to make the change you want to see in your country.

Also Read: Lok Sabha Elections 2024

Voting Rights in India

Voting is a fundamental right for all Indian citizens as protected in the constitution. The eligible age for voting is 18 and once one has attained the age, they are eligible to vote irrespective of cast, creed, gender, or socio-economic position. To become a legal and eligible voter, you must register yourself to vote. There are a few important points to keep in mind while you are registering to vote:

  1. You must be enrolled from one location to vote. It generally is the location of your permanent or general residence.
  2. In case you are moving or transferring away from the registered location, you will need to fill up Form-8 to update your location details and get enrolled in a new area.
  3. Electors Photo Identity Card or EPIC is the primary form of identification of a voter. However, some other government-issued identifications are also accepted at the voting centers, such as Aadhar Cards, PAN Cards, passports, ID cards from State or Central Government Agencies, Driving Licenses, Health Insurance Cards issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, MNREGA job cards, ID for MLAs and MPs.
  4. A Ration Card is not a valid identification for voters
  5. The voters also have the right to practice “Refuse to Vote”. This can be done by using the NOTA or None of The Above button to showcase no confidence in any of the choices for forming the government.

Also Read: Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha difference

History of voting rights in India

Reaching the voting scenes in India as we see today is a result of a long line of struggles and changes made with growing times. The first-ever general elections of Independent India took place in the year 1951. Whereas it was long before that when India witnessed electoral practices under the British Raj. In the beginning, the right to vote was limited to people based on their economic standing, and other factors. The history of voting rights in India talks about the fight for every citizen to demolish the discrimination that finally led to this day where all citizens are allowed to practice their right to vote and shape their nation for the better.

The right to vote is not just a power to the citizens but also practicing their responsibilities towards the nation. The importance of voting in democracy is to showcase that the nation is for the people and it is they who can create a better future for it. All of us can point out how the government is doing something wrong, and how our nation is not what we want it to be. Bt the power to change it is also given to us in this democratic nation. So, voting is the way to make your nation the best version to live in.

As the future of the nation, who would lead India to better times, the children must learn about the importance of voting in democracy and their voting rights in India from an early age. At EuroSchool, we not only focus on the academic syllabus but also provide them with the knowledge of the world they will be stepping into. Contact us today for admissions and gift your child the first step to a brighter future.

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