Why do we celebrate International Day for Biological Diversity?

Importance of Biological diversity

Biodiversity or biological diversity is anything and everything about the variety and variability of life that exists on Earth. Biodiversity is measured by the variation at the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. The United Nations announced May 22nd to be an annual International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB). The United Nations sanctions this day as the international day for the promotion of biodiversity issues.

We celebrate Biodiversity Day to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues and it is the main purpose of this proclamation. The theme proposed this year 2023 is “From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity,” it is to mark an incredible and historic achievement. This day is celebrated by visiting local libraries or museum libraries where books about nature, animals, plants, ecosystems, and more are available.

International Biological Diversity Day always has important slogans, the theme of the International Day for Biological Diversity is “From agreement to action: build back biodiversity.” The purpose of the slogan is to promote the idea that now, with a globally agreed-upon action plan, we must implement all the measures and agreements it contemplates before 2030.

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has maintained all these objectives: the conservation of biological diversity; the sustainable use of the components of biological diversity; and to share the fair and unbiased benefits that arise out of the utilization of all genetic resources. These are the three main goals of biological diversity day.

The concept of biological diversity is all about the different kinds of life that is found in one area, such as the variety of fungi, animals, plants, and even microorganisms like bacteria that make up our natural world and . Each of these organisms and their species work together in an ecosystem to maintain a perfect balance that supports life.

The four types of biodiversity are mentioned below:

  1. Global Biodiversity.
  2. Genetic Biodiversity.
  3. Species Biodiversity.
  4. Ecological Biodiversity.

The ICAR-National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources in Karnal, Haryana, decides India’s National Biodiversity Day. The theme for celebrating International Biodiversity Day – 2022 was ‘Building a Shared Future for all Life.’

The UN General Assembly officially made May the 22nd as the International Day for Biodiversity, the Biodiversity Day was initiated in the year 2000. This date is to remember and celebrate the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity that was launched on May 22, in the year 1992. The efforts of participants from nearly all countries united them to the convention. Walter G. Rosen originally coined the term ‘Biodiversity.’ The purpose is to understand and maintain the variety of animals, plants, fungi, and prokaryotic organisms living together that form nature.

So one may ask how we can protect biodiversity. Well, mentioned below are some ways to preserve biodiversity.

  1. Support local farms.
  2. Save the bees.
  3. Plant local flowers, fruits, and vegetables.
  4. Take shorter showers.
  5. Respect local habitats.
  6. Know the source.

We all can agree and protect the biodiversity slogan:

  1. Biodiversity is love. Biodiversity is life.
  2. Biodiversity is key for more variety.
  3. The cut down forests will cause diverse repercussions.
  4. Be a hero for a better world.
  5. Belief creates biology.
  6. The more variety, the better society.
  7. Each of us is responsible for everything and everyone else.

Biological diversity encompasses three levels and types. These three levels of diversity are what scientists often speak about species, genetics, and ecosystem diversity. In fact, these levels can never be separated. That is the Importance of Biological diversity. Each is important because they interact and influence the others. Changes at one level lead to changes at other levels as well. The main objective of the act regarding biological diversity is to ensure conserving biological diversity, sustainably using its components, and fairly utilizing its resources to prevent overuse or eventual destruction of biodiversity.

Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, the southwestern United States, as well as Madagascar, are some areas in the world where biodiversity is found. These areas have more biodiversity than others. A hotspot is what an area with extremely high levels of biodiversity is called.

An example of biological diversity is most commonly recognized through species, which are groups of individual living organisms that can interbreed. Examples of species include white-tailed deer, blue whales, sunflowers, white pine trees, and microscopic bacteria that cannot be seen in plain sight.

Edward O. Wilson, Ph.D., he was called the father of biodiversity, Wilson was a naturalist, and a leading scientist, he was an author, and a teacher as well. Madhav Gadgil is also known as the father of biodiversity in India. He was born on 24th May in the year 1942 in the city of Pune, and state of Maharashtra, India. He gained recognition for his work on the Gadgil Commission and People Biodiversity Register in India. However, Walter G. Rosen first coined the term “biodiversity.”

The theme of the 2023 International Day for Biological Diversity is “From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity.” This theme reflects the urgent need to move beyond commitments and convert them into actions to restore and protect the cycle of biodiversity.

Biological diversity and its importance is inestimable. Biodiversity is imperative as it supports all life on Earth, which includes humans. Without this wide range of microorganisms that make up most of our planet’s plants, and animals, we cannot have a healthy ecosystem that we as humans rely on to provide us with the basic necessities such as the air we breathe, the food we eat and even the water we drink.

The following are reasons why biodiversity is important:

  1. Biodiversity is linked to cleaner water.
  2. Healthy soil is diverse.
  3. Biodiversity is very important for healthy animals and plants.
  4. Biodiversity means better food security.
  5. Biodiversity protects medicinal plants.
  6. Less biodiversity means more zoonotic diseases.

The Importance of Biological diversity in India is that they help in soil formation, reducing pollution, and protecting land, water, and air resources. These functions of biodiversity are important for ecosystem functions and stability as people value and depend on nature.

Also Read: Benefits of Nature Based Learning

At EuroSchool, we teach kids the three important components of biodiversity, which are genetic, species, and ecological diversity. We ensure students get in touch with the real-life support system and learn and understand what makes life possible and beautiful on Earth.

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